During COVID we were desperate to find a replacement for our cancelled yoga classes and our closed gym. Friends of ours raved about their Pilates instructor who was doing sessions with the two of them together, in a scrupulously clean studio.  We decided to give  their instructor a try.   We thank our friends every week for introducing us to Tonray Ho who is an absolutely extraordinary instructor.   Tonray is  a trained dancer as well as being certified in Pilates;  she knows exactly how our musculoskeletal  system works and how to precisely focus attention on our muscles that are not working efficiently or effectively. (One of us had chronic neck pain which she addressed in a staged development of multiple muscle groups. The other was having foot pain and hip pain which she resolved with a combination of stretching and strengthening exercises). We were thrilled! Now we are devoted to her knowledgeable insights. She’s  an amazing “diagnistician”, seemingly seeing what needs to be addressed on a given day from across the room!   We have come to rely on her caring and gentle support. Tonray can always find a way to modify an exercise or the equipment or to employ other devices to address our particular issues on any given day.  Her prompts are clear and insightful and meaningful.  Tonray has  made us stronger, and more mobile and more in control of our breathing.  We cannot imagine life without her now!  She is an artist at what she does and an absolute gift to us. Simply the best!!”