From YELP - 2019

Working with Tonray at Be Studio Pilates has been one of the best decisions of my life.

My journey to Tonray began 20 years ago. While leaning over my sink one morning, I threw my back out. The next 19 years went something like this:

Go to physical therapy, feel a little better

Get discharged,

Slowly start feeling worse (despite keeping up with the exercises)

Try something new (yoga, chiropractor, therapeutic massage, acupuncture, tai chi, etc.)

Continue to get worse

Throw back out


Most recently my doctor started floating the idea of spinal fusion surgery since nothing else seemed to be working. Given my age (35), I was hesitant to get such an invasive surgery. As a last ditch effort I figured I’d give Pilates a try. Enter Tonray.

Tonray impressed me the first time I worked with her. Her understanding of form is unparalleled and her ability to give cues to get her clients to work correctly is exceptional. I’ve been working with her for just under a year and feel better than I did in my early 20s. I’ve still got a long way to go but I’m optimistic that I’ll continue to improve while working with her. Our sessions are always tough because she will not let you compromise your form at all. Turns out I’ve been unknowingly working with poor form/compensation patterns for decades.

The only thing better than her coaching/teaching ability is her affability. She is warm and caring, and takes an interest in helping her clients meet their goals. There is no doubt that she loves what she does. I always look forward to our sessions. If you ever get a chance to work with someone whose passion is their career, you 100% should. They’re always a pleasure to be around.

To be clear, don’t take this review as a slight to physical therapy, yoga, tai chi, etc. They are great id done with perfect form and taught properly. If you want to move with perfect form, see Tonray. She will get your there.